Clipper Blade Dip Laube 325ml


Blade Dip cleans deodorises and lubricates clipper blades. Displaces water and prevents rust.

Pour approx 2.5cm depth into the blade wash caddie and dip blade in while the clipper is running. Wipe off excess Blade Dip before clipping again.

Blades will stay sharper longer using Blade Dip.

SKU: 201 371 Category:
Other Information

Blade Dip cleans deodorises and lubricates clipper blades. Displaces water and prevents rust.

Pour approx 2.5cm depth into the blade wash caddie and dip blade in while the clipper is running. Wipe off excess Blade Dip before clipping again.

Blades will stay sharper longer using Blade Dip.