BrellaGuard 750ml


Water-based waterproofing treatment that repels dirt, grease, water and oil on most textile products including acrylic canvas. When applied to fabric surfaces the active ingredients in Brellaguard® function at a ‘nano’ level by reshaping and crystallising with dendrimers (star shaped polymers) to form an impenetrable shield.

Suitable for awnings, rainwear, sportswear, foot wear. Not recommended for use on vinyl, plastics, rubber or imitation suede.

Coverage; 750ml will cover aprox. 7-10 sqm

SKU: BRELLAG750 Category: Tag:

Water-based waterproofing treatment that repels dirt, grease, water and oil on most textile products including acrylic canvas. When applied to fabric surfaces the active ingredients in Brellaguard® function at a ‘nano’ level by reshaping and crystallising with dendrimers (star shaped polymers) to form an impenetrable shield.

Suitable for awnings, rainwear, sportswear, foot wear. Not recommended for use on vinyl, plastics, rubber or imitation suede.

Coverage; 750ml will cover aprox. 7-10 sqm