Health Horse Ringside Rewards Nutri-Bites


RINGSIDE REWARDS Nutri-Bites contain the most important elements for muscle recovery, including Electrolytes, B Group Vitamins and Vitamin E. These are smaller more palatable bites which make them the perfect reward- ready to be eaten straight out of the ring!

Electrolytes with Vitamin E and essential B Group Vitamins are necessary for nerve and muscle function, blood pressure regulation, and hydration. By the time it is safe for your horse to drink, electrolyte replenishment and muscle recovery has already got to work via RINGSIDE REWARDS, helping direct the flow of water in and out of cells to support rehydration and muscle repair.

Because RINGSIDE REWARDS Nutri-Bites help encourage hydration, always make sure horses have access to plenty of fresh clean drinking water after consuming these Nutri-Bites, at a time which is safe to do so.

Feed immediately after every test, round, ride or period of exercise as a reward when recovering from work, muscle fatigue or stress!

Vitamin E
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12

RINGSIDE REWARDS Nutri-Bites contain the most important elements for muscle recovery, including Electrolytes, B Group Vitamins and Vitamin E. These are smaller more palatable bites which make them the perfect reward- ready to be eaten straight out of the ring!

Electrolytes with Vitamin E and essential B Group Vitamins are necessary for nerve and muscle function, blood pressure regulation, and hydration. By the time it is safe for your horse to drink, electrolyte replenishment and muscle recovery has already got to work via RINGSIDE REWARDS, helping direct the flow of water in and out of cells to support rehydration and muscle repair.

Because RINGSIDE REWARDS Nutri-Bites help encourage hydration, always make sure horses have access to plenty of fresh clean drinking water after consuming these Nutri-Bites, at a time which is safe to do so.

Feed immediately after every test, round, ride or period of exercise as a reward when recovering from work, muscle fatigue or stress!

Vitamin E
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12